Licensed Mold Assessment Services

Rochester Mold Remediation is fully licensed in

New York State to provide complete comprehensive

mold assessment reports for your home or business.

We provide these reports for any remediation projects

that is being completed by a 3rd party remediation


 Licensed Mold Assessment Services

Rochester Mold Remediation is fully licensed in

New York State to provide complete comprehensive

mold assessment reports for your home or business.

We provide these reports for any remediation projects

 that is being completed by a 3rd party remediation


NYS Assessment Law

NYS law requires a Mold Assessment Report before

 remediation work can begin any time the mold requiring

 treatment is in excess of 10sq ft. It is prohibited for any

 mold remediation contractor to assess their own mold

abatement projects. Any remediation work we complete

 is assessed by a 3rd party company as required by law

What’s Included in the report:

-Inspection of the Interior & Exterior of the home

-Identification of the mold present

-Incudes the suspected cause of the mold growth

-How to remedy the source of the problem

-What to expect from the remediation contractor

-Rough Estimate of cost & timeline of completion

- An outline of proper remediation practices

-Complete follow-up Inspection of work performed

How Can We Help?

Let us know by reaching out to our friendly team of staff.